Product Features

All our products are designed and manufactured by German and Japanese experts. Quality control is our core, and we provide quality assurance for each tire. Our products have excellent Cost-Performance.All products have passed relevant international certificates, such as EU label, US DOT,ISO, Middle East GCC, Mexico NOM, etc.



We have different production lines to meet different needs, from ordinary car tires to huge OTR tires, various sizes. Global production factories provide different levels of products and avoid trade barriers, for example, we have joint venture factories in China, Vietnam, Cambodia and the European Union. OE projects can be discussed.



We are always market-oriented, customer-oriented, and always follow the needs of the market and customers to design and produce products. Establish long-term business relationship with all customers. Mutual benefit and win-win.


every product delivered to the customer is qualified and claims for any quality problems with the product. Give market security, marketing support and excellent after-sales service.